Missions in Architecture 4. Laboratory-Talk: MOSQUES, MIGRATION AND MYTH

The Role of Architecture in a Socio-Cultural Context

25th September, 2008, 7 pm


Aedes Cooperation Partners


powered by BauNetz

  • v.l.n.r. Dr. Christian Welzbacher, Martien de Vletter,
    Hüsnü Yegenoglu, Wilfried van Winden, Paul Böhm

A laboratory-talk on Euro-Islamic architecture curated by Martien de Vletter, Publisher SUN-Architecture, Amsterdam, with:
Paul Böhm, Architect, Architecture Office Paul Böhm, Cologne
Wilfried van Winden, Architect, Molenaar & Van Winden Architects, Delft
Hüsnü Yegenoglu
, Architect, Amsterdam/Ass.Professor TU Eindhoven
Martien de Vletter
, Publisher, SUN-Architecture, Amsterdam

Dr. Christian Welzbacher
, Art Historian and Author of "Euro-Islamic Architecture" (2008)

: Kristin Feireiss, Aedes Berlin
Ferdinand Dorsman, Counsellor for Press and Culture, The Embassy of the Netherlands in Berlin

The forth laboratory-talk will explore the questions of identity, migration, religion and parallel societies by discussing the constructions of mosques in Europe
: If architecture is communication in the broadest sense, what do mosques communicate to the general public? To what extent does architecture contribute to identity? Is architecture a segregative or integrative factor to society? Does architecture foster the creation of parallel societies or does it promote international understanding? What, on the other hand, innovative impulse could it deliver? What is the future of Euro-Islamic architecture?

Together with her conversational partners from the Netherlands and Germany, Martien de Vletter will discuss the issues of conservatism, dogma and religion and deconstruct the “Islamic phobia”. Martien de Vletter will analyse the cultural, social and ideological dimensions of architecture and urban planning and its impact on people: Can architecture encourage any dialogue or does she concrete a one-way street?

 The laboratory-talks will be held in German/English.


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