SIAT Architekten + Ingenieure

'Bestimmte Bauten'

28 September 2001 - 28 October 2001

Tuesday, 2 October 2001, 6.30 pm


Aedes Cooperation Partners


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SIAT Architekten + Ingenieure

SIAT is an architecture and engineering firm based in Munich and Erlangen. The aim of their planning processes is to achieve a symbiosis of sophisticated architecture and intelligent building technology. The consistently interdisciplinary project work excludes purely formal design approaches and results in buildings that reflect their genesis and become unmistakably unique through their purpose. The exhibition explains the conceptual approach of the architectural office, which is presented on the basis of five realised projects: The focus is on the CargoLifter project in Brand, which was awarded a recognition of the German Architecture Prize and the European Steel Construction Prize. Furthermore, the pavilion of the Holy See (formerly Hanover/now Lettand), the Deutsche Bahn network building in Munich, the clean room production hall for Infineoni in Villach and the Lighter Than Air Academy for CargoLifter - under the aspect of their special purpose - will be exhibited. These examples illustrate how largely non-formal factors become the carrier of the building concept. The guidelines of the buildings are associations that serve the complex partial aspects of the project, e.g. a microchip for the Infineon hall. As an exhibition medium, different information carriers - plans, animations, models - and different densities are chosen to present the projects and their purpose, so that the visitor can generate his or her own personal exhibition.

Speakers at the exhibition opening on 2 October 2001: Kristin Feireiss, Berlin
Prof. Dr. Falk Jaeger, Berlin